Kimura laboratory

Activities & Events

Kickoff meeting & welcome party (20240403)

Prof. Junji Watanabe's retirement and farewell party (20240322)

Prof. Junji Watanabe's final seminar (20240322)

Wrap-up YAKINIKU party for D, M2 and B4 students (20240219)

Year-end SUKIYAKI party (20231219)

Paper Acceptance NABE Party (20231207)

Group Hiking @ Fushimi (20231106)

Ueda-san's welcome and B4s' good-job party (20230904)

B4 cheering and summer party (20230724)

Sasaba's cheering party (20230613)

Group Hiking @ Nadanosake & Koshien Ball Park (20230502)

Welcome BBQ @ Banpaku Park (20230403)

Farewell party (230322)

Master thesis presentation (230209)

Year-end party (221202)

Autumn hiking in Kyoto (221107)

Welcome party for Yamamura san (221004)

Farewell party in Senri-Chuo (220922)

Ikeda's Defense (220804)

Spring hiking in Kobe(220502)

Kickoff meeting & welcome party (220401)

Farewell cake party (220318)

Master thesis presentation (220215)

Autumn hiking (211108)

Thanksgiving party for Hashimoto san (210422)

Farewel party (210323)

Group photo (201005)

Farewel party (200323)

Wrap-up party (200217)

Year-end party (191223)

Autumn hiking (191101)

Celebration for graduate school entrance exam (190906)

Paper acceptance party (190807)

Summer party (190718)

Prof. Kwon welcome (190513)

Spring hiking in Kyoto (190506)

Paper acceptance party (190425)

Welcome BBQ party with a cherry blossom (190403)

Wrap-up and farewell party (190222)

Grilled meat party (190121)

Cheese Fondue party (181225)

End-year (Bonenkai) party (181205)

Autumn hiking in Kyoto (181101)

Jibon Modak Welcome (181017)


SEEDS program (180828)

暑気払 (180622)





忘年会 (171220)

秋の遠足 (171102)

院試お疲れ様会 (170831)

SEEDS program (170823)

暑気払い (170725)

春の遠足 (170502)

新歓BBQ (170404)

修論・卒論打ち上げ (170222)

FBSコロキウム+新年会(意見交換会) (170111)

忘年会2016 (161222)

秋の遠足2016 (161107)

歓迎会 (161004)

SEEDSプログラム 体感科学研究 (160823)

Simon歓送会 (160816)

暑気払い (160712)

橋本さん歓迎会 (160623)

佐藤さん歓送会 (160525)

春の遠足 in 京都 (160502)



YollaさんKwonさんSeoさん歓迎会 (160107)

忘年会 (151222)

FBSコロキウム (151125)

秋の遠足 in 高野山 (151104)

誕生日会 (151029)

歓迎会兼院試お疲れ様会 (151001)

暑気払い (150730)

春の遠足 in 姫路(150430)

新歓BBQ@万博公園 (150401)

楠本賞 (150325)

歓送会+いろいろ打ち上げ会 (150319)

7階から2階への引っ越し (150203-06)

大掃除+誕生日会 (141219)

忘年会 (141209)

2014秋の遠足 (京都 知恩院・三十三間堂, 月桂冠大倉記念館, 141031)

UVSOR実験 (1408-09)

FBSコロキウム (140623)

2014春の遠足 (嵐山+山崎蒸溜所, 140501)

2014新歓花見 (140404)

2013秋の遠足(サントリー京都ビール工場+山崎蒸溜所, 131031)

Previous workshops organized