[Event] Year-end party (20241223)
[Paper] "Photoinduced phase transition on black samarium monosulfide" has been published in Physical Review B and was selected as Editors' Suggestion (20241219)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL28 µ-ARPES (20241214-18, Nishihara, Nakamura)
[Review] Our recent work was reviewed as Realization of a Monoatomic Layer Heavy Fermion in Photon Factory Highlights 2023 (20241206)
[Paper] "Photo-induced Nonlinear Band Shift and Valence Transition in SmS" has been published in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (20241205)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL6B IR+THz (20241125-1206, Takahashi, Ishida, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A SX-ARPES (20241115-20, Yamaguchi, Nishihara, Nakamura)
[Talk] UVSOR Symposium 2024 (20241105-06, Ichikawa, Yamaguchi, Nishihara)
[Event] Group Hiking (Nara) (20241101)
[Talk] The 10th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-10) and Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2024 (JVSS 2024) , Kita-Kyushu (20241016-19, Yamaguchi, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL3B VUV-R (20241014-17, Pan, Ishida, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL5U SX-ARPES (20241007-11, Yamaguchi, Nishihara, Nakamura)
[Event] B4s' good-job party (20241004)
[Paper] "Photo-induced phase transition on black samarium monosulfide"
on arXiv (20241001)
[New comer] Ma san became a graduate student of the IPC course. Congrats! (20241001)
[Visit] Chen will stay with Tjeng group at MPI CPfS Dresden for 3 months (20240922-1231)
[Talk] JPS annual meeting , Sapporo (20240916-19, Presentation: Yamaguchi, Ichikawa, Nishihara, Chen; Attendance: Nakamura, Watanabe, Kimura )
[Newcomer] Assist. Prof. Watanabe was promoted to Associate Professor. Congratulations. (20240901)
[Outreach] SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性を観察しよう (20240825, Ichikawa, Nakamura, H. Watanabe, J. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] 暑気払い(Beat the summer-heat party) and farewell party for Noheila san (20240802)
[Talk] Noheila san's final presentation at FrontierLab (20240726, Noheila)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL5U ARPES (20240722-26, Yamaguchi, Chen, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL7U ARPES (20240708-19, Ichikawa, Yamaguchi, Chen, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL3B VUV (20240708-12, Pan, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Talk] International Conference on Magnetism 2024 (ICM 2024) , Bologna, Italy (20240630-0705, Nakamura, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL6B IR (20240617-28, Ishida, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Talk] Seminar at Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (20240617, Watanabe)
[Review] Our recent work was reviewed as "単原子層重い電子系の実現―単原子層物質における近藤効果―" in 固体物理 Vo. 59 (6), 331-339 (2024) (20240610)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL28 micro-ARPES (20240605-09, Nishihara, Nakamura)
[Review] Our recent work was introduced as an article "単原子層物質近藤格子における二次元重い電子状態" in Photon Factory News Vo. 42, No. 1. (20240530)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL5U ARPES (20240527-31, Chen, Nakamura, Kimura)
[Event] Group hiking in Uji (20240501)
[Talk] Conference on Laser and Synchrotron Radiation Combination Experiment 2024 (LSC 2024) in Optics & Photonics International Congress 2024 (OPIC 2024) , Yokohama, Japan (20240424-26, Presentation: Nishihara, Organizer: Watanabe)
[Invited] The 2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit , Seattle, USA (20240422-26, Kimura)
[Paper] "Light-Field-Driven Non-Ohmic Current Generation by an Intense THz Pulse in a Weyl Semimetal" has been published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (20240405)
[Event] Kick-off meeting 2024 and welcome BBQ party (20240403)
[New comer] New members join in our lab. Welcome! (B4x2, M1x3, Research studentsx2, 20240401)
[Experiment] New setup at D206 (20240327)
[Event] Graduate Celemony (20240325)
[Event] Prof. Junji Watanabe's final seminar & farewell party (20240322)
[Talk] JPS spring meeting , Online (20240318-21, Presentation: Sasaba, Nishihara, Chen, Kimura)
[Talk] Quantum beam science festa 2023 , Mito, Japan (20240305-07, Sugihara)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U ARPES (20240304-0315, Ichikawa, Nishihara, Nakamura)
[Event] Wrap-up party for D, M2 and B4 students (20240219)
[Defense] Bachelor's presentation (20240216 & 19, Ichikara, Ishida)
[Defense] Self-research presentation (20240215, Yuan)
[Defense] Master's presentation (20240213, Sugihara)
[Defense] Doctor's final defense (20240208, Jibon)
[Paper] Our paper "Current-Induced Metallization and Valence Transition in Black SmS" was introduced in JPS Hot Topics. (240115).
[Talk] 第37回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム (JSR 2024) , Himeji, Japan (20240110-12, Presentation: Nishihara, Sugihara, Chen, Attendance: Nakamura, Kimura)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL-28 ARPES (20231224-28, Nishihara, Nakamura)
[Event] Major cleanup & Year-end party (20231219)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL-2A ARPES (20231212-13, Nakamura)
[Talk] 第34回 光物性研究会 , Handai-Toyonaka (20231208-09, Presentation: Nishihara; Organizer: H. Watanabe)
[Event] Paper accept party (20231207)
[Paper] "Current-Induced Metallization and Valence Transition in Black SmS" has been published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (20231207)
[Paper] ”Two-dimensional heavy fermion in monoatomic-layer Kondo lattice YbCu2 ” has been published in Nature Communications (20231201)
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[Talk] UVSOR 40th anniversary & symposium , Okazaki (20231201-03, Presentation: Ishida, Nishihara, Sugihara, Chen; Attendance: Yuan, Ichikawa, Nakakamura, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U ARPES (20231120-1201, Ichikawa, Nishihara, Sugihara, Chen, Nakamura)
[Lecture] Special lecture at Hiroshima University and HiSOR seminar (20231107-09, Kimura)
[Event] Group Hiking in Fushimi (20231106)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6B micro-THz (20231023-1102, Ishida, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Out reach] Commemorative lecture on Einstein's Japan tour @ Handai-Toyonaka (20231002, Kimura)
[New Comer] Ms. GRAMHI, Noheila joined in the lab as a visiting student of Frontier Lab @ OU (20231001-20240930)
[Talk] JPS annual meeting , Sendai (20230916-19, Presentation: Sugihara, Chen, H. Watanabe; Attendance: Nishihara, Nakamura, J. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] Ueda-san's welcome and B4s' good-job party (20230904)
[Outreach] SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性を観察しよう (20230903, Fujii, Sugihara, Nakamura, H. Watanabe, J. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U ARPES and BL6B micro-IR (20230814-25, Sugihara, Chen, Nakamura, Kimura)
[Out reach] Kobe High School Science Tour 2023 (20230809, Nishihara, J. Watanabe)
[Event] Beergarden with Mr. Chung, a student of ISP, and Prof. Jung, a specially appointed professor (20230801)
[Out reach] International Summer Program of Graduate School of Science (20230727-0802, Chung, Sugihara, Nakamura)
[Seminar] "Frustration-induced quantum criticality in kagome Kondo lattice compounds CeRhSn and CeIrSn" by Professor Emeritus Toshiro Takabatake of Hiroshima University (20230727)
[Event] B4 cheering and summer party (20230724)
[Seminar] "Nonlinear Hall effect in 3D Weyl semimetal GdPtBi" by Professor Myung-Hwa Jung of Sogang University (20230724)
[Event] Prof. Jung welcome party (20230720)
[Defense] Master's presentation (20230719, Lubis)
[Talk] International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023 (SCES 2023) , Incheon, Korea (20230702-07, Sugihara, Kimura)
[Invited] [Talk] The 10th International Workshop on the Dual Nature of f-Electrons (Dual Nature 2023) , Himeji, Japan (20230626-29, Sugihara, Chen, Kimura)
[Talk] Low-Energy Electrodynamics in Solids 2023 (LEES 2023) , Sankt Pölten, Austria (20230625-30, Nakamura)
[Event] Mr. Sasaba cheering party (20230616)
[Paper] ”Light-field-driven non-Ohmic current and Keldysh crossover in a Weyl semimetal” on arXiv (20230615)
[Paper] ”Two-dimensional heavy fermion in monoatomic-layer Kondo lattice YbCu2 ” on arXiv (20230612)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL3B VUV reflectivity (20230529-0602, Lubis, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A SX-ARPES (20230516-17, Sugihara, Nakamura)
[Event] Group Hiking @ Nadanosake & Koshien Ball Park (20230502)
[Event] Welcome BBQ @ Banpaku Park (20230403)
[Paper] ”Observation of Electronic Structure Modification in the Hidden Order Phase of CeCoSi” has been published in JPSJ-Letter (20230327)
[Event] Graduate Celemony (20230323)
[Event] Farewell cake party (20230322)
[Talk] 日本物理学会2023年春季大会 , online (20230322-0325, Kimura)
[Talk] 第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 , Sophia Univ., Tokyo (20230315-0318, Chen)
[Talk] Quantum-beam Science Festa , Epocal Tsukuba, (20230313-0315, Sugihara)
[Experiment] ISSP Time-resolved ARPES (20230306-0313, Chen, Nakamura)
[Experiment] ISSP Time-resolved IR (20230227-0313, H. Watanabe)
[Invited] NanoTerasu ARPES Symposium , Tohoku Univ. Sendai (20230221-22, Kimura)
[Event] B4 graduate research presentation (230220, Nishihara, Fujii, Ikai)
Nishihara was awarded as the best student presentation. Congratulations.
[Event] Master theses presentation (230209, Tatsukawa, Chen, Yamamoto, Yoshida)
[Talk] 第36回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム (JSR 2023) , Ritsumeikan Univ. Kusatsu (20230107-09, Sugihara, Tatsukawa, Chen, Nakamura, Kimura)
[Paper] ”Surface valence transition in SmS by alkali metal adsorption” has been published in PRB-Letter (20230105)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL3B (20221212-16, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL7U (20221205-09, Sugihara, Chen, Nakamura)
[Event] Year-end party (20221202)
[Talk] UVSOR Symposium , Okazaki (20221126-27, Sugihara, Tatsukawa, Nishihara, Chen, Nakamura, Kimura)
Mr. Sugihara won the Student Presentation Award. Congratulations!
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A (20221122-25, Sugihara, Nakamura)
[Event] Autumn hiking in Yamasaki and Nagaoka-Kyo (20221107)
[Invited] 3-day International Conference on Materials Science (3d-ICOMAS) , Verona, Italy (20221026-28, Kimura)
Invited talk: Origin of the valence transition in samarium mono-sulfide
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL5U (20221024-27, Nishihara, Sugihara, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL3B (20221011-14, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL6U (20221011-21, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Invited] 11th International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Sources (WIRMS 2022) , Hiroshima, (20221006-09, Ikeda, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
Ikeda's invited talk: Terahertz electric-field drive on Weyl fermions
H. Watanabe's invited talk: Carrier-induced insulator-to-metal transition on SmS
[Event] Welcome party for Yamamura san (20221004)
[Personnel] Ms. Hao Lin has joined as a research student. (20221001)
[Personnel] Ms. Sambi Yamamura has joined as a secretary. (20221001)
[Personnel] Dr. Ryohei Ikeda has moved to the University of Tokyo as a Post-Doc Researcher. (20221001)
[Personnel] Ms. Yuko Fukumitsu (secretary) has retired. (20220930)
[Paper] Control on topological electronic structure with the surface structure ”Breakdown of bulk-projected isotropy in surface electronic states of topological Kondo insulator SmB6 (001)” has been published (20220923)
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[Event] Farewell party in Senri-Chuo (20220922)
[Talk] The 22nd International Vacuum Congress IVC-22 , Sapporo (20220911-16, Chen, Nakamura)
[Talk] 日本物理学会2022年秋季大会 / JPS autumn meeting , Tokyo Inst. Tech. (20220910-15, Sugihara, Tatsukawa, Ikeda, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Outreach] SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性を観察しよう (20220829)
[Paper] Review on the topological Kondo insulator ”Recent progress in clean-surface formation of topological Kondo insulators and topological surface states observed there” has been published (20220825)
[Defense] 博士論文公聴会 / Doctor theses presentation (20220804, Ikeda)
Ikeda's doctoral dissertation's title "Terahertz electric-field drive of Weyl fermions"
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL7U (20220704-15, Sugihara, Lubis, Chen, Nakamura)
[Paper] ”Fluctuating spin-orbital texture of Rashba-split surface states in real and reciprocal space” has been published (20220627)
This paper has been selected as the Editors' suggestion. Congratulations.
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL5U (20220620-0701, Sugihara, Lubis, Chen, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL6B (20220613-24, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Talk] 九州表面・真空研究会2022 , Saga Univ. (20220611, Chen, Nakamura)
Chen kun was awarded as the Best Presentation Student. Congratulations.
[Experiment] UVSOR-III BL3B (20220523-27, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] SPring-8 BL19LXU (20220509-14, Chen, Tatsukawa, Nakamura, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] Spring hiking in Kobe (2022/05/02)
[Event] Kick-off meeting 2022 and welcome party (20220401)
[Event] Farewell cake party (220318)
[Talk] JPS 2022a (220315-19, ONLINE, Chen, Nakaya, Ikeda, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (220307-11, Sugihara, Chen, Nakamura)
[Miscellaneous] Our web-site has been renewed (220228)
[Defense] B4 graduate research presentation (220222, Sugihara)
Sugihara was awarded as the best student presentation.
[Defense] Master theses presentation (220215, Nakaya, Nie, Matsumoto)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6U (220131-0204, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6B (220124-0204, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Guest] Prof. Miyazaki & Mr. Ohnishi @ NIT, FTIR experiment (220111-0114)
[Talk] JSR 2022 (220107-09, ONLINE, Tatsukawa, Nakaya)
[Paper] "Optical study of the electronic structure of locally noncentrosymmetric CeRh2 As2 " has been published. (211209)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6U (211129-1210, Nakamura)
[Invited Talk] ACHPR-10 / HPSP-19 / WHS-13 (211120-25, ONLINE, Kimura)
[Event] Autumn hiking (211108)
[Talk] UVSOR Symposium (211105, ONLINE, Tatsukawa, Nakaya, Nakamura, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Invited Talk] CONMAT 2021 (211018-20, ONLINE, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (211011-22, Sugihara, Nakaya, Nakamura)
[Outreach] SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性 (2021103, 10)
[New comer] Mr. M. F. Lubis (M1) has been joined in the lab. Welcome! (211001)
He finally arrived to the lab on Dec.3rd due to immigration restrictions imposed by COVID-19.
[Talk] JPS 2021b (210920-23, ONLINE, Ikeda, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Paper] "Bulk-Sensitive Spin-Resolved Resonant Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (SR-rEELS): Observation of Element- and Spin-Selective Bulk Plasmons" has been published. (210917)
[Experiment] ISSP t-ARPES (210830-0913, Chen, Nakamura, H. Watanabe)
[Paper] Optical properties in the hole-doped Ca8.5 Na1.5 (Pt3 As8 )(Fe2 As2 )5 single crystal has been published. (210618)
[Paper] Optical evidence of local and itinerant states in Ce- and Yb-heavy-fermion compounds has been published. (210616)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A (210530-0602, Nakaya, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6B (210524-0604, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] Welcome cake party for new comers (210520)
[Event] Thanksgiving party for Hashimoto-san (210422)
[New comer] Ms. Y. Fukumitsu has been appointed as Secretary. (210416)
[Experiment] New electron spectroscopy instrument has been installed. (210412)
[Event] Kick-off meeting (210402)
[New comer] Mr. Hiroki Sugihara (B4) and Mr. Y Chen (M1) has been joined in the lab. Welcome! (210401)
[New comer] Dr. T. Nakamura has been appointed as Assistant Professor.(210401)
[Personnel change] Assist. Prof. Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo has moved to Next-Generation Synchtoron Radiation Center of QST. (210331)
[Event] Farewell cake party (210323)
[Talk] JPS 2021a (210312-15, ONLINE, Tatsukawa, Nakaya, Kawabata, Nakamura, H. Watanabe, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (210315-19, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Defense] B4 Graduate thesis presentation (210219, Tatsukawa, Yoshida)
[Defense] FBS Midterm presentation (210216, Goto)
[Defense] Master theses presentation (210209, Kawabata, Shibata, Asuka)
[Defense] Doctor theses presentation (210203, Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (210111-15, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Talk] JSR 2021 (210108-0110, ONLINE, Nakaya, Shibata, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Talk] FBS Colloquia (201224, ONLINE, Nguyen Ngoc Phuong)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A (201211-17, Ohtsubo)
[Talk] 第31回光物性研究会 (201211-1213, ONLINE, Yamamoto, Goto, Asuka, H Watanabe)
[Experiment] ISSP trARPES (201130-1213, H. Watanabe、Nakamura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6B (201109-20, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL3B (201109-13, Goto, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Talk] UVSOR Symposium 2020 (201026-27, Nakaya, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
Ohtsubo has given an invited talk.
Nakaya has won the best poster award.
[Outreach] SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性 (201018,25, J. Watanabe, H. Watanabe, Ohtsubo, Kimura, Nakaya)
[Event] First group meeting in the 2nd period and photo (201005)
[Experiment] Synchrotron Soliel (200831-0907, Ohtsubo)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (200803-07, Jibon, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (200720-31, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Paper] Review of TKI has been published in KOTAIBUTSURI (in Japanese, 200717)
[Event] Mid-term report of M2 and D3 (200713,20,27)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B/6B (200713-24, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL3B (200615-19, Goto, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR preparation (200601-12, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Paper] One-dimensionality of the spin-polarized surface conduction and valence bands of quasi-one-dimensional Bi chains on GaSb(110)-(2x1) has been published. (Tokumasu's master thesis, 200603)
Reading books for B4 and M1 has been started finally for COVID-19. (200512)
Group seminar has been finally started for COVID-19. (200511)
[Event] Kick-off meeting (200403)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U/5U + off-line DA30 (200224-0313, Nakaya, Kawabata, Matsumoto, Nakamura, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Event] Wrap-up party for M2s and B4s (200217)
[Defense] B4 graduate thesis presentation (200217, Jeon, Yamamoto, Nakaya)
Nakaya was awarded the Best Presentation Prize.
[Defense] Master thesis presentation (200212, Nakajima, Tokumasu)
[Guest] Prof. M. H. Jung of Sogang Univ., KR, stays in the lab. (200120-31)
[Talk] JSR 2020 (200110-12, Nagoya, Nakajima, Modak, Mita, Nakamura, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
Nakamura has been awarded as the Best Student Presentation prize for three consecutive years. (V5 of this lab.)
[Event] Year-end party (191223)
[Paper] "Giant Rashba system on a semiconductor substrate with tunable Fermi level: Bi/GaSb(110)–(2×1)" has been published. (Nakamura's doctor thesis, 191202)
[Experiment] SPring-8 BL07LSU (191129-1202, Shibata, Nakamura, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Talk] UVSOR Symposium 2019 (191116-17, Okazaki, Modak, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Event] Autumn hiking in Rokkosan mountain (191101)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B/6B (191007-1018, Yamamoto, Goto, Nakajima, Mita, Kimura)
[Talk] International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019 (190924-28, Okayama, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Paper] "Optical and photoelectrical studies on anisotropic metal-insulator transition of RuAs" has been published. (Nakajima's master thesis, 190923)
[Talk] JSAP Autumn meeting (190918-21, Sapporo, Matsumoto, Mita, Nakamura)
[Talk] JPS Autumn meeting (190910-13, Gifu, Matsmoto, Nakamura, Watanabe, Ohtsubo, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] Celebration for graduate school entrance exam (190906)
[Paper] "Relaxation dynamics of [Re(CO)2 (bpy){P(OEt)3 }2 ](PF6 ) in TEOA solvent measured by time-resolved attenuated total reflection terahertz spectroscopy" has been published. (Phuong's doctor thesis, 190813)
[Event] Paper acceptance party (190807)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6B (190729-0802, Nakajima, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (190722-0802, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Experiment] SPring-8 BL07LSU (190721-0724, Shibata, Nakamura, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] 暑気払い(Beat the summer-heat party) (190718)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6B, 7U (190708-12, Nakaya, Nakajima, Nakamura, Ohtshubo, Kimura)
[Talk] VUVX 2019 (190701-05, SF, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Experiment] Saga-LS BL11 (190617-0701, Tokumasu, Watanabe, Ohtsubo)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B, 5U (190610-14, Goto, Nakamura, Modak, Ohtsubo)
IMS Symposium & OpenCampus (190607, Nakaya, Yamamoto, Goto, Shibata, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B, 5U, 6B, 7U (190603-07, Goto, Nakamura, Modak, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Paper] "Ultrafast electronic relaxation dynamics in a valence fluctuation material Sm0.83 Y0.17 S" has been published. (Ikeda's master thesis, 190526)
[Paper] "Non-trivial surface states of samarium hexaboride at the (111) surface" has been published. (Yamashita's master thesis, 190524)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A (190517-22, Kawabata, Ohtsubo)
[Paper] "Optical evidence of the type-II Weyl semimetals MoTe2 and WTe2 " has been published. (190520)
[Event] Welcome party for Prof. Kwon (190513)
[Event] Spring hiking in Kyoto (190506)
[Event] Paper acceptance party (190425)
[Paper] "Temperature-driven modification of surface electronic structure on bismuth, a topological border material" has been published. (190415)
[Event] Kick-off meeting & welcome party (190403)
[Event] Graduate Celemony (190325)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U(190318-22, Matsumoto, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Talk] JPS annual meeting (190314-17, Fukuoka, Nakamura, Watanabe, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Experiment] ISSP SARPES (190225-0304, Tokumasu, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Event] Wrap-up and Farewell party (190222)
[Defense] B4 graduate thesis presentation of Phys. Dept. (190222, Kawabata)
Kawabata has been awarded the Best Presentation prize.
[Defense] Master thesis presentation of FBS (190215, Mita)
[Defense] Master thesis presentation of Phys. Dept. (190212, Nakamura, Yamashita)
[Defense] Doctor thesis presentation of Phys. Dept. (190206, Phuong)
[Event] Grilled meat party (190121)
[Talk] Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Synchrotron Radiation Research (190109-11, Fukuoka, Matsumoto, Nakamura, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Event] Cheese Fondue party (181225)
[Experiment] Saga-LS BL11 (181210-21, Tokumasu, Ikeda, Ohtsubo)
[Event] End-year (Bonenkai) party (181205)
[Paper] "Giant thermal effect of vibration modes of single-crystalline alanine" has been published in Infrared Physics and Technology (181113)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B, 6B (181112-23, Kawabata, Mita, Nakajima, Kimura)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B, 6B, 7U (181112-16, Nakajima, Nakamura, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
[Talk] UVSOR Symposium 2018 (181110-11, Okazaki, Matsumoto, Nakamura, Mita, Nakajima, Yamashita, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
Nakamura has received the Best Poster Presentation Award.
[Event] Autumn hiking in Kyoto (181101)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (181022-25, Nakamura, Yamashita, Ohtsubo)
[Outreach] Saturday Afternoon Physics (181020, J. Watanabe)
[Event] Welcome Party for Jibon Modak (181017)
[Outreach] Lecture at Kita-Senri High School (181017, Kimura)
[Invited] International Conference on Electron Spectroscopy and Structure (ICESS-14) (181008-12, Shanghai, China, Ohtsubo)
[Talk] International Workshop on Trends in Advanced Spectroscopy in Materials Science (TASPEC) (181004-06, Higashi-Hiroshima, Nakamura, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
Nakamura has received the Best Student Presentation Award.
[Outreach] Lecture at Kure-Mitsuda High School (180926, J. Watanabe)
[Experiment] Soleil synchrotron (180917-27, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Talk] 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2018) (180909-14, Nagoya, Mita)
[Talk] 日本物理学会2018年秋季大会 (180909-12 京田辺, Nakajima, Nakamura, Phuong, Watanabe, Ohtsubo, Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] Party to celebrate successful completion of entrance exam of master course (180829)
[Outreach]SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性を観察しよう (180828, 渡辺,大坪,木村,池田,中島)
[Paper] Giant Rashba splitting of quasi-1D surface states of Bi/InAs(110)-(2x1) has been published in Physical Review B (180827)
[Coll] Prof. Kwon international collaboration (180816-23)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (180806-10, 0820-24, Matsumoto, Nakajima, Nakamura, Yamahsita, Ohtsubo)
[Accident] Typhoon #12 Jongdari was coming! Huts for water cooling systems have been destroyed. (180729)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (180723-0803, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Talk] International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2018) (180715-20, San Francisco, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
[Event] Party to celebrate successful getting a job! (180713, Y.Yamashita)
[Talk] The 12th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed Matter and Nano Materials (EXCON 2018) (180708-13, Nara, Ikeda)
[Event] 暑気払い(Beat the summer-heat party) @ Senri Hankyu Beer Garden (180622)
[Accident] Earthquake! Some instruments were dameded.(180618)
[Paper] The paper entitled Temperature dependence of superconducting energy gaps in Ca9.35 La0.65 (Pt3 As8 )(Fe2 As2 )5 single crystal collaborated with Prof. Kwon has been published in Scientific Reports (180605)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B+6B (180604-15, Mita, Nakajima, Kimura)
[Talk] FBS Colloquium (180516, 渡辺)
[Events] Spring hiking in Kobe (180502)
[Invited] Conference on Laser and Synchrotron Radiation Combination Experiment 2018 (LSC2018 ) (180426, Yokohama, Kimura)
[Paper] "Infrared Evaluation of Enantiometric Amount and Application to Racemization at the Interface Between L- and D-Alanine" has been published in Applied Spectroscopy (180420)
[Experiment] ISSP SARPES (180407-16, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
[Event] Kickoff meeting + Welcome (180402)
[Talk] 日本物理学会 第73回年次大会 (180322-25, 山下雄, 中村, 三田, 池田, 大坪, 渡邊, 渡辺, 木村)
[Event] Graduate Celemony (180322)
[Event] Farewell party (180319)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL6B (180312-14, 三田, 木村)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (180305-16, 徳舛, 中村, 山下雄, 大坪)
[Event] Closing party (180220)
[Event] 生命機能中間報告論文発表会。(180220, 日比)
[Event] 物理学科物性実験グループ卒業研究発表会。(180219, 徳舛,松本,Kim)
[Event] 物理修士論文発表会。(180216-17, 池田,吉住)
[Experiment] SOLEIL ARPES (180129-0204, 山下雄, 大坪)
[Coll] Prof. Kwon international collaboration (180109-24)
[Invited, Talk] 第31回日本放射光学会年会・放射光科学合同シンポジウム(JSR 2018) (180108-10, つくば, 大坪, 中島, 中村, 日比, 木村)
中村君が 学生発表賞受賞。(V3 of this lab.)
[Event] Year-end cleaning & party (171220)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (171211-15, 徳舛, 中村,大坪)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A (171201-07, 山下雄,大坪)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B/7B (171113-24, 中島,三田,日比,木村)
[Paper] "Spin-polarized quasi-one-dimensional state with finite band gap on the Bi/InSb(001) surface" has been published in Physical Review Materials. (171110)
[Event] Autumn hiking in Hikone & Nagahama (171102)
[Talk] UVSOR Symposium (171028-29, 中村, 中島, 三田, 日比, 大坪, 木村)
[Award] 大坪助教が第22回日本放射光学会奨励賞受賞。(171010)
[Invited] PF研究会「次世代光源で拓かれる光電子分光研究の将来展望」 (171005-06, つくば, 木村)
[Lecture] Prof. N. K. Sato's special lecture (171002-04)
[Coll] Prof. Kwon international collaboration (170928-1014)
[Talk] Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy using Accelerator-based Sources (WIRMS 2017) (170925-28, Oxford, 三田, 木村)
[Talk] 日本物理学会2017年秋季大会 (170921-24, 盛岡, 中島, 中村, 池田, 大坪, 渡邊, 渡辺, 木村)
[Invited] 2nd International workshop on CSR and free electron lasers from ultra short bunch electron beam (170919-20, 仙台, 木村)
[Experiment] ISSP SARPES (170904-11, 中村, 大坪)
[Event] 院試打ち上げ (170831)
[Outreach] SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性を観察しよう (170823, 渡辺,渡邊,木村,中島,Wang)
[Paper] "Optical signature of Weyl electronic structures in tantalum pnictides TaPn (Pn=P, As)" has been published in Physical Review B. (170810)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL5U, DA30 ARPES (170807-0811, 0821-0825, 中村,山下雄,大坪)
[Experiment] Aichi SR BL7U ARPES (170803, 中島, 木村)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U ARPES (170731-0804, 山下雄,大坪)
[Event] 暑気払い+Wang君歓送会 (170725)
[Talk] International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2017) (170716-21, Prague, 中島, 大坪, 木村)
[Experiment] SOLEIL ARPES (170710-0716, 山下雄,大坪)
[Talk] International workshop on strong correlations and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (CORPES17) (170702-07, Hiroshima, 大坪)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B/6B IR/THz (170626-0707, 三田, 中島, 日比, 木村)
[Invited] 物性研短期研究会「光で 見る・操る 電子物性科学の最前線〜強相関, トポロジー, 低次元, ダイナミクス〜」(170612-14,大坪)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7B VUV (170605-16, 三田, 中島, 山下拓, 吉住, 木村)
[Talk] 6th International Conference on Photoinduced Phase Transitions (PIPT6) (170604-09, 渡邊浩)
[Event] IMS Open Campus (170603, 松本, 中村)
[Experiment] HiSOR BL9B ARPES (170516-19, 山下雄,大坪)
[Event] 春の遠足2017 in 六甲・有馬 (170502)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL-2A ARPES (170429-0501, Wang, 大坪)
Prof. Kwon international colaboration (170404-16)
[Event] Kick-off meeting + Welcome BBQ (170404)
[Event] Graduation Ceremony (170322)
[Event] Farewel party (170320)
[Talk] 日本物理学会 第72回年次大会 (170317-20, 山下雄, 竹野, 横山, 萩原, 大坪)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B machine time (170307-08, 三田, 木村)
[Talk] HiSOR Symposium (170302-03, 萩原)
[Invited talk] NANOSPEC 2017 (170302-03, 大坪)
[Event] Closing party (170222)
物理学科物性実験グループ卒業研究発表会。(170222, 三田,中島,山下拓,山下雄)
生命機能中間報告論文発表会。(170221, 亀井)
物理修士論文発表会。(170214, 太田,根来,横山,竹野,岸,萩原)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B machine time (170202-03, 木村)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7B/1B machine time (170116-20, 三田,中島,木村)
[Seminar] 原田先生@東大物性研 FBSコロキウム + New Year Party ( 170111)
Prof. Kwon international colaboration program (170111-31)
[Talk] JSR 2017 in Kobe (170107-09, 日比,岸,渡邊,大坪,木村)
[Event] Year-end party (161222).
[Seminar] Dr. M. Hoesch@Diamond Light Source (161221).
[Paper] "Topological phase transition of single-crystal Bi based on empirical tight-binding calculations" has been published in New Journal of Physics. (161212).
[Talk] 第4回キラル研究会 (京大, 161210, 日比)
名古屋大M研林さん井村先生憲昭先生 FTIR利用 (161130-1208)
[Experiment] UVSOR DA30 machine time (161128-1202, 岸, 大坪)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL1B/6B machine time (161121-1209, 三田,中島,日比,亀井,木村)
[Invited talk] The International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science at Ibaraki University (161118-20, Kimura)
[Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A machine time (161118-20, 萩原, 大坪)
[Paper] "Doping Effects on the Electronic Structure of an Anisotropic Kondo Semiconductor CeOs2 Al10 : An Optical Study with Re and Ir Substitution " has been published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.(161117) [Takao's master thesis].
[Seminar] 平原先生@東工大 集中講義・セミナー (161116-18)
[Talk] 光量子研究会 (KEK, 161115, 木村,渡邊)
[Talk] SLiT-Jデザインコンペシンポジウム (東大, 161111-12, 大坪)
[Seminar] Prof. Iga@Ibaraki U. (161109-10)
[Event] 秋の遠足 in 奈良 (161107)
[Talk] UVSOR Sympogium (161029-30, 日比,萩原,亀井,大坪,木村)
[Experiment] UVSOR laser setup (161024-25, 根来,竹野,渡邊,木村)
[Experiment] STM at HiSOR (161021-1104, 岸, 大坪)
[Event] Welcome party for new comers. (161004)
Prof. Kwon international colaboration program (161001-10)
Mr. C. Wang joined our group as a MC student of IPC course. (161001)
[Invited talk] BEC 2016 (160927-30, Ohtsubo)
[Experiment] UVSOR BL7U, 1B (160919-23, 山下雄, 萩原, 大坪, 木村)
[Event] 生命機能研究科・研究教育交流会。 (160916,亀井,日比,三田)
[Talk] 日本物理学会2016年秋季大会 に参加・発表。(金沢大,160913-16, 竹野,岸,横山,太田,萩原,渡邊,大坪,木村)
[Paper] "Surface Kondo effect and non-trivial metallic state of the Kondo insulator YbB12 " has been published in Nature Communications. (160831) [Hagiwara's master thesis]
[Seminar] Mr. Takasan @ Kyoto Univ. (160826)
[Outreach] SEEDS program 光の不思議:波動性と粒子性を観察しよう (160823, 渡辺,渡邊,大坪,岸,根来,太田,木村)
Prof. Kwon visited in the lab. (160822-30)
[Event] Farewell party for Mr. Simon. (160816)
[Experiment] Colaboration program of IMS. (160808-10, 竹野,渡邊)
Paper: "Slater to Mott Crossover in the Metal to Insulator Transition of Nd2 Ir2 O7 " with Prof. Kondo @ Univ.Tokyo has been published in Physical Review Letters. (160729)
UVSOR BL7U/5U machine time (160714-0806, 岸,萩原,亀井,大坪)
Paper: "Optical Evidence of Itinerant-Localized Crossover of 4f Electrons in Cerium Compounds " has been published in Journal of The Physical Society of Japan. (160713)
暑気払い 。(160712)
VUVX 2016 に参加・発表。(スイス・チューリッヒ, 160703-08, 大坪)
橋本さん歓迎会 。(160623)
UVSOR BL1B/6B machine time (160620-0708, 日比,亀井,横山,木村)
秘書が佐藤幸さんから橋本朋子さんに交代 。(160601)
LEES2016 に参加・発表・運営。(160529-0603, 竹野,萩原,日比,大坪,木村)
佐藤さん歓送会 。(160525)
HiSOR BL9 machine time (160516-20, 萩原,大坪)
SCES2016 に参加・発表。(中国杭州, 160508-13, 萩原・木村)
春の遠足 in 京都 。(160502)
新年度初顔合わせ+新歓花見 。(160405)
歓送会 。(160324)
日本物理学会年会 に参加・発表。(東北学院大,160319-22, 横山,根来,岸,亀井,萩原,渡邊,大坪,木村)
2015年度量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ 参加。(エポカルつくば, 160317-18, 萩原)
UVSOR BL1B machine time (160307-18, 木村)
Seminar on electron gun by Dr. N. Yamamoto @ KEK. (160301)
物理学科物性実験グループ卒業研究発表会。 (160224, 四方,宮森,吉住)
生命理学コース卒業研究発表会。(160223, 日比)
Seminar by Dr. J. Sichelschmidt @ MPI-CPfS. (160215)
分子研研究会「高輝度・高強度赤外光源の現状と今後の展開」 に参加・発表。(岡崎,160211-12, 亀井,木村)
修士論文発表会。(160209, 高尾)
東海大沖村先生との共同研究 "Large modification in insulator-metal transition of VO2 films grown on Al2 O3 (001) by high energy ion irradiation in biased reactive sputtering "がJournal of Applied Physicsに掲載。(160205)
Dr. J. Sichelschmidt visited in the lab. (160201-0304)
Seminar on THz FEL by Dr. A. Irizawa@Sanken. (160126)
UVSOR BL7B machine time (60118-22, 太田,吉住,木村)
Ms. Yolla Sukma Handayani visited in the lab. (160112-0330)
JSR 2016 に参加・発表。(東大柏の葉,160109-11, 萩原, 亀井,大坪,木村)
名大羽尻先生との共同研究"Orbital-dependent electron correlation in LiFeAs revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy "がPhysical Review Bに掲載。(160107)
Prof. Kwon & Mr. Choi stayed in the lab. (160104-15)
大掃除・忘年会 。(151222)
InSb基板上のBi薄膜の一次元性に関する論文"Surface Tomonaga-Luttinger-Liquid State on Bi/InSb(001) "がPhysical Review Lettersに掲載。(151217)
東大近藤先生との共同研究"Quadratic Fermi node in a 3D strongly correlated semimetal "がNature Communicationsに掲載。(151207)
ISSP SARPES machine time (151207-18, 岸,大坪)
Indian students visited to the lab. by SAKURA Science program of JST. (151201)
UVSOR BL1B, 6B machine time (151130-1218, 亀井, 日比,木村)
FBSコロキウム で講演 。(151125,渡邊浩)
KEK-PF BL2 machine time (151122-28,萩原, 竹野, 大坪)
ICSFI-15 で発表。(広島国際会議場, 151115-20, 大坪)
SOLEIL CASSIOPEE BL machine time (151109-15, 岸, 大坪)
UVSORシンポジウム で発表。(岡崎コンファレンスセンター,151106-07, 亀井, 萩原, 大坪, 木村)
秋の遠足 in 高野山 。(151104)
先端物理学・宇宙地球科学輪講 。(151030, 大坪)
UVSOR BL7U machine time (151019-22, 萩原, 大坪)
WIRMS2015 で講演。(NY, USA, 151012-15, 木村)
IMS stand-alone ARPES machine time (151010-22,岸, 宮森, 大坪)
歓迎会兼院試お疲れ様会 。(151001)
渡邊浩助教着任 。(151001)
日本物理学会参加・発表。(関西大, 150916-19, 萩原,亀井,高尾,大坪,木村)
SOLEIL CASSIOPEE BL マシンタイム。(150908-14, 萩原, 大坪)
東工大平原先生との共同研究"Role of Quantum and Surface-State Effects in the Bulk Fermi-Level Position of Ultrathin Bi Films "がPhysical Review Lettersに掲載。(150903)
KEK OHO'15 で講義 。(150901, 木村)
UVSOR BL7Bマシンタイム。(150824-28,高尾,横山,木村)
暑気払い 。(150730)
UVSOR BL1B, 6Bマシンタイム。(150727ー0807, 0817ー21,亀井,高尾,木村)
UVSOR BL7Uマシンタイム。(150713-24,萩原,根来,竹野,大坪)
シンガポール国立大Prof. Rusydiとの共同研究"Anomalous excitons and screenings unveiling strong electronic correlations in SrTi1-x Nbx O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.005) "がPhysical Review Bに掲載。(150709)
スペインで開催のICM 2015 で発表。(150705-10, 木村)
CeRu2 Al10 のc-f混成と磁気転移に関する論文" Relation between c-f hybridization and magnetic ordering in CeRu2 Al10 : An optical conductivity study of Ce(Ru1-x Rhx )2 Al10 (x<0.05) "がPhysical Review B Rapid Communicationに掲載。(150630)
UVSOR BL6Bマシンタイム。(150622-26, 亀井,横山,木村)
Prof. Kwon+Mr. Choi @ DGIST, Koreaが共同研究のため滞在(150617-27)+異文化交流会(150625)。
ギリシャで開催のSOCSIS 2015 で招待講演。(150608-12, 大坪)
弘前大 任先生との共同研究''Electronic structure of Mott-insulator CaCu3 Ti4 O12 : Photoemission and inverse photoemission study "が,Solid State Communicationsに掲載。(150516)
韓国DGISTのKwon教授の国際共同研究 "Superconducting states study in electron-overdoped BaFe1.8 Co0.2 As2 using terahertz and far-infrared spectroscopy " がSuperconductor Science and Technologyに掲載。(150513)
ソウル大 Dr. Pikhitsaとの共同研究"Two-band luminescence from an intrinsic defect in spherical and terraced MgO nanoparticles "がApplied Physics Lettersに掲載。(150505)
春の遠足 in 姫路 。(150430)
SOLEIL CASSIOPEE BL マシンタイム。(150408-12, 萩原, 大坪)
新年度初顔合わせ+新歓BBQ 。(150401)
吉岡助教が東京理科大学に栄転 しました。大野祐貴君が卒業しました。Pengさんが帰国しました。(150331)
卒業式。 (150325)
物理学会年会。(150321-24, 大坪, 渡辺, 木村)
歓送会+いろいろ打ち上げ会 。(150319)
Prof. KwonとMr. Choiが共同研究のため滞在。(150309-0318)
弘前大 任先生との共同研究"Fermi surface variation of Ce 4f-electrons in hybridization controlled heavy-fermion systems "が,Solid State Communicationsに掲載されました。(150311)
UVSOR BL7Uマシンタイム。(150302-06, 岸,萩原,大坪)
物理学科卒業研究発表会。(150224, 岸,竹野,萩原,亀井)
生命機能中間審査論文公聴会。(150219, 大野)
研究室が生命ナノ棟7階から2階へ引っ越し 。(150203-06)
大掃除+誕生日会 。(141219)
忘年会 。(141209)
UVSOR BL1B, BL6Bマシンタイム。(141110-1205, 亀井,高尾,木村)
秋の遠足 に行きました。(141031)
Shi Pengさん が短期留学生として当研究室に加わりました。(141006)
中部大学で開催の物理学会秋季大会で講演と発表をしました。(140907-10, 大坪, 木村)
UVSOR BL7U施設利用で実験 しました。(140830-0906, 岸,萩原,大坪)
物理学専攻の大学院入試がありました。(140827-29) 分子研加藤グループとの共同研究 "Microbunching Instability in Relativistic Electron Bunches: Direct Observations of the Microstructures Using Ultrafast YBCO Detectors "がPhysical Review Lettersに掲載されました。(140825)
UVSOR BL6B施設利用で実験 しました。(140818-27, 亀井,高尾,木村)
"Anomalous Superconducting-Gap Structure of Slightly Overdoped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 "がJournal of the Physical Society of Japanに掲載されました。(140818)
名工大宮崎先生との共同研究 "Electronic and Local Crystal Structures of the ZrNiSn Half-Heusler Thermoelectric Material "がMaterials Transactionsに掲載されました。(140729)
FBSコロキウム を開催しました。(140618)
分子研加藤グループとの共同研究 "Transient response of relativistic electron bunches to wave-number selected perturbations near the micro-bunching instability threshold "がNew Journal of Physicsに掲載されました。(140614)
分子研オープンキャンパス に参加しました。(140530-31, 亀井,竹野,萩原,高尾,大野,大坪,木村)
春の遠足 に行きました。(140501)
東海大沖村先生との共同研究 "Temperature-dependent Raman and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy studies on phase transition behavior of VO2 films with M1 and M2 phases "がJournal of Applied Physicsに掲載されました。(140415)
卒研生4名 が当研究室に加わりました。(140404)
大坪嘉之助教が着任 しました。(140401)
BL3Bの性能に関する論文"Design and performance of a new VIS-VUV photoluminescence beamline at UVSOR-III "がJournal of Synchrotron Radiationに掲載されました。(140221)
トルコ・メルシン大Ozkendir氏(旧外国人研究員)との共同研究"Alloying effect on K -shell fluorescence parameters of porous NiTi shape memory alloys "がJournal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomenaに掲載されました。(140221)
立教大枝元先生との共同研究"Soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of Fe2 P (0001) "が,Surface Scienceに掲載されました。(140210)
復旦大Feng教授との共同研究"Angle-resolved photoemission study of the electronic structure of the quantum spin liquid EtMe3 Sb[Pd(dmit)2 ]2 "が,Physical Review Bに掲載されました。(140207)
山形大学のフロンティア物理講演会 で講演しました。(140130, 木村)
Prof. KwonとMr. Choiが大阪大学国際共同研究推進プログラムで来日しました。(140124-0204)
広島で開催の日本放射光学会年会JSR14で発表しました。(140111-13, 木村)
UVSORシンポジウム2013 で発表しました。(131207, 木村)
名工大 宮崎先生との共同研究"Three-Dimensional Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectra of EuO Thin Film "がJournal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomemaに掲載されました。(131206)
弘前大 任先生との共同研究"Strong correlation effects in the A-site ordered perovskite CaCu3 Ti4 O12 revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy "がPhysical Review Bに掲載されました。(131122)
オーストラリア・ローンで開催の赤外放射光国際会議WIRMS2013 で発表。(131110-14, 木村)
韓国C. Kim教授との共同研究"Microscopic mechanism for asymmetric charge distribution in Rashba-type surface states and the origin of the energy splitting scale "がPhysical Review Bに掲載されました。(131107)
ドイツ・サイエンス・デーin京都 で講演 (131026, 木村)
産研田中先生との共同研究"Electron-phonon coupling investigation via phonon dispersion measurement in graphite by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy "がScientific Reportsに出版されました。(131023)
東大平原先生との共同研究"Fermi level tuning of topological insulator thin films "がJapanese Journal of Applies Physicsに掲載されました。(131016)
徳島で開催の物理学会秋季大会で発表。(130925-28, 邨次,吉岡,木村)
トルコUfuktepe教授との共同研究"Superconducting niobium nitride thin films by reactive pulsed laser deposition "がThin Solid Filmsに掲載されました。(130925)
シンガポール国立大学のProf. A. Rusydiグループとの共同研究を実施しました。(130819-23, @BL3B, UVSOR)
東京大学で開催のInternational Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2013) "で発表しました。(金子,羽尻,松波,伊藤,木村,130805-09) pic1 , pic2
IMS Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy of Correlated Materials (ASCM 13) を開催しました。(130802-04)
ドレスデンのDr. J. SichelschmidtとシュツットガルトのDr. M. Schefflerとの共同研究 を実施しました。(130729-0803)
韓国DGISTのKwon教授の国際共同研究"Optical properties of iron-based superconductor LiFeAs single crystal "がNew Journal of Physicsに掲載されました。(130716)
トルコUfuktepe教授との共同研究"Structural, electronic, and mechanical properties of niobium nitride prepared by thermal diffusion in nitrogen "がMaterials Chemistry and Physicsに掲載されました。(130702)