Kimura laboratory


  • [Personnel change] Assist. Prof. Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo has moved to Next-Generation Synchtoron Radiation Center of QST. (210331)
  • [Event] Farewell cake party (210323)
  • [Talk] JPS 2021a (210312-15, ONLINE, Tatsukawa, Nakaya, Kawabata, Nakamura, H. Watanabe, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (210315-19, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
  • [Defense] B4 Graduate thesis presentation (210219, Tatsukawa, Yoshida)
  • [Defense] FBS Midterm presentation (210216, Goto)
  • [Defense] Master theses presentation (210209, Kawabata, Shibata, Asuka)
  • [Defense] Doctor theses presentation (210203, Nakamura)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (210111-15, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
  • [Talk] JSR 2021 (210108-0110, ONLINE, Nakaya, Shibata, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
  • [Talk] FBS Colloquia (201224, ONLINE, Nguyen Ngoc Phuong)
  • [Experiment] KEK-PF BL2A (201211-17, Ohtsubo)
  • [Talk] 第31回光物性研究会 (201211-1213, ONLINE, Yamamoto, Goto, Asuka, H Watanabe)
  • [Experiment] ISSP trARPES (201130-1213, H. Watanabe、Nakamura)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL6B (201109-20, Tatsukawa, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL3B (201109-13, Goto, H. Watanabe, Kimura)
  • [Talk] UVSOR Symposium 2020 (201026-27, Nakaya, Ohtsubo, Kimura)
    • Ohtsubo has given an invited talk.
    • Nakaya has won the best poster award.
  • [Event] SEEDS program (201018,25, J. Watanabe, H. Watanabe, Ohtsubo, Kimura, Nakaya)
  • [Event] First group meeting in the 2nd period and photo (201005)
  • [Experiment] Synchrotron Soliel (200831-0907, Ohtsubo)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL5U (200803-07, Jibon, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL7U (200720-31, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
  • [Paper] Review of TKI has been published in KOTAIBUTSURI (in Japanese, 200717)
  • [Event] Mid-term report of M2 and D3 (200713,20,27)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL1B/6B (200713-24, Kimura)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR BL3B (200615-19, Goto, Kimura)
  • [Experiment] UVSOR preparation (200601-12, Nakaya, Nakamura, Ohtsubo)
  • [Paper] One-dimensionality of the spin-polarized surface conduction and valence bands of quasi-one-dimensional Bi chains on GaSb(110)-(2x1) has been published. (Tokumasu's master thesis, 200603)
  • Reading books for B4 and M1 has been started finally for COVID-19. (200512)
  • Group seminar has been finally started for COVID-19. (200511)
  • [Event] Kick-off meeting (200403)