Kimura laboratory

Our research target / 我々の目指すもの

Our research aims to elucidate the origin of functionalities of solids and biomaterials and to develop new functionalities from the obtained quantum mechanical information to help realize a sustainable society.
Physical properties of solids, such as magnetism and ferroelectricity, and life phenomena, such as redox and photosynthesis, originate from the electronic states in materials and their interactions. These research fields are known as condensed matter physics and quantum biology. To clarify the electronic states provide us not only the information of the origins of the physical properties and life phenomena but also the expectation and creation of novel functionalities. To visualize the change in the electronic state, we also develop novel spectroscopic techniques using synchrotron radiation and other quantum beams. Based on the obtained information on electronic structures, we are aiming to develop novel physical properties of new materials.
